Ali Eisenach
Ali Eisenach is a homeschooling mother of four kids and currently lives in Cedar City, Utah. In 2008 Ali began creating recipe books with the hopes of helping her family work their way out of debt. She launched her business Lemon Poppy Inc. in 2010.
Ali is a self-taught food photographer and graphic designer and has printed and published over 10 recipe books. Ali’s recipe books have been featured on KSL Studio Five, and Fresh Living. Ali also does freelance food photography for LDS Living magazine.
This past year Ali stepped away from creating recipe books and put her heart into writing a book about education called “A Meeting with the Principle” An Education to Usher in the Millennium.
Ali Eisenach is a great, great, great, granddaughter to President George Q. Cannon, who was a counselor to 4 different prophets and a passionate voice for education in the early days of the church. Ali hopes to inspire others to turn their hearts to God and seek principle-based options for the education of their children.
2018 - How to Receive Personal Revelation
President Russel M. Nelson told us, “In the coming days it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, and comforting influence of the Holy Ghost.” We MUST learn how to receive Personal Revelation. You will learn how you can recognize the voice of the Holy Ghost in your life. You will receive a few great book recommendations to help you in your journey to receive MORE revelation.