Amber Semerau
Amber is the mother of 8 children including a set of twins ranging in age from 19 – 6. There has been at least one of the kids homeschooled every year since the first one was born. The oldest finished a successful freshman year at BYU-I as a music major last year, and is headed on a mission to Tahiti for their church this fall. The second oldest is headed to BYU-I in January. The other kids are on the same path as their sisters so far, although they are all different and have different interests, strengths and weaknesses.
It has been a crazy journey for Amber and her family, and it hasn’t always gone exactly the way she thought it would- but she had some great people who helped her learn and grow along the way. The hardest part for her was definitely after her twins #’s 6 & 7 were born. And now that her baby is 6, and the twins are 8, and she doesn’t have to change any more diapers or chase toddlers, she wants to use that time to reach out and encourage other moms as they go through the difficulties and challenges of motherhood and homeschooling, just as good people reached out and encouraged her during some rough times.
Amber and her husband, Ryan, met and got married while they were both students at BYU, and have been happily married for almost 22 years. Ryan is a computer web developer. Amber is a stay at home mom, with lots of hobbies and side hustles including homeschooling. She graduated from BYU in Horticulture Science with a Spanish minor, but has really enjoyed all the learning that she has gotten to do through teaching her kids at home. By far her favorite part of homeschooling is group time when she reads to the kids and they discuss what they read.
Amber was born in Utah and then lived in California, Texas and Guadalajara, Mexico through her childhood years, when her family then moved back to Utah where she attended high school and college. After getting married, Amber and Ryan lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, Houston, Utah, New Hampshire, and now they are starting their 3rd year of living out in the countryside of Brittany, France.
You can connect with Amber on her site at edpursuits.com , and connect with her on social media — Instagram @edpursuitscom , Facebook page @educationalpursuitslifestyle —Be sure to say “hi” so she can say “hi” back and get to know you too!
2018 - Learning a Language
Traveling the World has its benefits. None of us knew French when we arrived in France. We had already learned other languages and thought we could do it, but it turned out to be harder than we anticipated. Come and learn what we discovered and tips to help you learn languages faster. The church is filled with oportunites for those who know languages and it is really good for building confidence.
I’ll share many resources to use in teaching you and your children a new language too.
My email is edpursuits@gmail.com for anybody who wants a copy of the Spanish pamphlet, or a pdf of my Kids Speak French book – my website for French is http://kidsspeakfrench.com , and I am currently running a giveaway for that on the site.
I have lots of info and my curriculum choices on my blog at http://educationalpursuits.org http://edpursuits.com has links to all my sites and projects.
https://opentexture.com is the website for the Greek curriculum.
https://memoriapress.com is the website for the First Start French curriculum. https://www.memoriapress.com/curriculum/modern-languages/
Henle Latin is our curriculum choice for Latin also sold on memoriapress.com
https://www.pimsleur.com is the site for an audio program where you repeat and learn as you go
https://www.fluentin3months.com is the website for the Irish polygot and his book
https://www.frenchtoday.com is the site where we bought the excellent French program for learning conversational French with audio files of 3 speeds
https://realpeople.io/group/kidsspeakfrench-76907 – this is a group where I post helpful sources from around the web for French- like youtube videos, books, and websites for learning- it’s open so anyone can view it without signing up