Brent & Kolleen DeGraff
Kolleen DeGraff
Brent DeGraff
Kolleen DeGraff is co-founder and administrator of Liahona Preparatory Academy and Liahona Distance Education. She has a Broadcast Communication degree from Stephens College in Columbia, MO and has been a news director and general manager at several radio stations. Kolleen earned a master’s degree in Educational Leadership and Policy from the University of Utah, and has been an adjunct professor at Salt Lake Community College, as well as Public Relations Coordinator for the Center for Educational Restoration. She co-authored When Together Forever Doesn’t Last (a look at LDS divorce) and Threads of Liberty, an LDS-based civics textbook for high school students.
Brent DeGraff loves to teach providential history to teenagers, write history textbooks, and speak to parents about teaching history. He is co-founder of Liahona Preparatory Academy in Utah. LPA’s Distance Education is the largest LDS-based homeschool program in the country. Brother DeGraff holds a bachelor’s degree in history from BYU, and has authored five LDS-based civics and history textbooks. He has been an Instructor for the Church Education System, International Director of Schools for the Center for Educational Restoration, Operations Director and Distance Learning Coordinator for the Center for Alternative Education, and has co-hosted a weekly radio program called “The Education Circus” on KSTAR radio.
2018 - Restoration Education and History
We as Saints have a higher law of education. Our current education has separated religion from academic subjects. This is a godless view of the world and leads to confusion, depression and apostate attitudes.
The evangelical world has added God back into learning. This has brought great results and strengthen hearts and families. We call that a Reformation Education.
Through the Restoration God has given us much new restored information and has asked us to use this type of learning, it is a higher way. Restoration Education is learning with God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost.