A New Millennial Science


You can now use the code, “summaryaudio” to get the Summary audio book for free.

The UM is written to inspire a different thinking about science and about how to apply scientific principles during the coming years, destined to provoke thought and arouse the curiosity of not only the science-minded, professional and amateur alike, but every individual who simply wants to know how Nature works and why we are such an important part of all the beauty that surrounds us.

Go to https://universalmodel.com/um-introduction/ to receive a summary of all three volume in print or audio.

Comments on A New Millennial Science

  1. Rebecca Hurdman says:

    SUMMARYAUDIO as a buy code says the offer has expired. Is there another code?

    1. Thom says:

      We contacted Dean and he’s got it working again. The code should work now.

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