Becoming a Better Parent – Mary Ann Johnson
Becoming a Present Parent: Maximizing Presence in five Minutes or Less.
The purpose is to show parents that if they learn to be Present during the everyday moments of family life, children will behave better, obey more readily and desire to be with them and please them. The point of Present Parenting is that, as a family, you are happier. The point of homeschooling isn’t just education. It is about keeping your children bonded to you and having more time with them – time that is enjoyable.
Mary Ann has been one of my heroes since I met her five years ago. I asked her to speak at my very first event. After it was all over I asked her what advise she had for me and she said, “Just don’t stop. Keep going no matter what.” I still use that advise whenever I feel like giving up.
Mary Ann choose conversational style and we got started right away. She had some wonderful things to say about becoming present more often with our children. She opened up the scriptures and read directly from God’s word. I was completely captivated by her message.
The noise level started picking up in the house toward the end of her interview and we felt rushed to finish it. I was sad to have to push it, because I know I could have learned a lot more. Her message is one to listen to if you have children. She also gave the audience access to a chapter in her new book.
Mary Ann is a Kid Connection Expert. She is the mother of seven and grandmother to 13. She has mentored hundreds of families helping them have a greater sense of connection. She has the unusual privilege of living with four of her thirteen grandchildren. When Mary Ann teaches it isn’t just from what she’s learned in over 45 years of working with children – it’s in REAL time.
Her favorite pastime is reading and learning. She is particularly fond of history. Her secret desires are to become a good painter, play the piano decently and if she lives long enough, to learn to dance jazz.
Her current passion is to complain less, be tranquil and to suspend judgment. She wasn’t prepared for how much work this would take. Mary Ann feels she will live to be 120. When all is said and done she wants to be remembered as charitable, filled with life and laughter, and always learning something new.
Mary Ann’s website is an online community reaching thousands of parents. She runs Family Connection Mentoring. Her book Becoming a Present Parent teaches the art of being present despite the busy-ness of life.