Behold Your Little Ones


Behold Your Little Ones

by Myra Johnson | LDS Homeschool Conference 2014

Several times over the years, I’ve heard comments from non-homeschooling mothers similar to this, “I could never homeschool! I don’t have the patience!” I would smile a very understanding smile then lovingly reply, “Well, if you did start homeschooling, you would learn patience!”

Our Father in Heaven is so desirous to bless us in our efforts to homeschool. The words of the Prophets and the scriptures are jewels as resources for finding answers and guidance in our every day lives. In this class we will take advantage of these remarkable resources and see if we, together, can find the answers and guidance we need through our in-class study and discussion. Come prepared with the important thoughts and the burning questions you have in your hearts regarding your family and your homeschool. Please come prepared with an open mind, a prayerful heart, and a willingness to share some of your thoughts and feelings with each other so that we may all learn from each other.

In preparation for this class, please read and ponder this wonderful article before the conference:“Zion and the Spirit of At-One-Ment” by M. Catherine Thomas

Myra is a happy wife and joyful mother of five fabulous children, ages 8-23; four boys with a little girl at the end. She has been homeschooling for 20 years and has been blessed to see many wonderful fruits of her labors. She centers her homeschool around the gospel of Jesus Christ, and employs the TJEd methodology. She considers motherhood to be one of her greatest blessings, and her ability to homeschool her children a tremendous gift.




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