Title of Liberty in the 21st Century (46 min)


Title of Liberty in the 21st Century

Title of Liberty in the 21st Century

There is a distinct reason why the Lord inspired Mormon to leave the tale of Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty in The Book of Mormon. We know that all the passages shared in The Book of Mormon was specifically chosen for our day. Learn the fundamental principles of freedom, that God wants you to know to make a difference for righteousness in our time. Understand every Christian’s duty to stand for freedom through Captain Moroni’s story.

Alex Speiser makes me smile. He is a young man with a great smile and a passionate heart. I loved his spirit and his desire to serve and help others. I met him at an event several months back and as we talked I felt he had something to share with our audience and invited him at that time.

His message was one of hope. He opened the scriptures and shared his understanding of the common story of Captain Moroni. I found his insights helpful and brought me new understanding. I loved what he said about preparation and putting on the armor of God and how to help grow our testimonies. You will enjoy this presentation.

When meeting Alex the first you may notice about him is the light in his eyes- bright and radiating with power that inspires you to take action and do better, yet friendly and inviting like a long-time friend. The second thing you may notice is the passion and conviction of his purpose. In the past 3 years alone he has presented his information to audiences all across the western United States to individuals, businesses, and organizations. He is also a speaker and coach who has taught and co-taught classes on topics ranging from holistic healing and human achievement to government and body language. A self-taught entrepreneur and scholar, Alex has most recently engaged in training in entrepreneurship and freedom principles with phenomenal results. Alex’s engaging presentation style and empowering message make him a favorite that you will want to return to again and again.

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