Escape the Conveyor Belt:


Escape the Conveyor Belt with the "Right" Education: How to Leap From Left-Brain Regimentation to Right-Brain Innovation

by Stephen Palmer | LDS Homeschool Conference 2015

Escape the Conveyor Belt with the “Right” Education: How to Leap From Left-Brain Regimentation to Right-Brain Innovation

Feeling plagued by insecurities about your homeschooling? Feeling burned out or stuck in a rut? Worried about blind spots in your children’s

education? If so, your solutions lie in the right hemisphere of your brain, waiting to be activated. If you’re stuck in left-brain mode, you’ll continue struggling. Even worse, you’ll stifle your children with efficient but ineffective regimentation. Attend this class to learn how to:

-Access and trust your intuition to become a more capable and confident mentor.

-Consistently spark new ideas for inspiring your children.

-Unleash your children’s imagination, creativity, and passion.

-Escape the conveyor belt by integrating right-brain thinking and processes into your homeschooling.

-Create a more responsive, innovative, and engaging homeschool environment.

Stephen Palmer is the author of Manifest Destiny: Choosing a Life of Greatness and Uncommon Sense: A Common Citizen’s Guide to Rebuilding America, the founder of Life Manifestos, a Strongbrook business owner, and a book writer for mission-driven leaders.He co-authored, with Garrett Gunderson, the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Businessweek, and Amazon bestseller Killing Sacred Cows: Overcoming the Financial Myths that are Destroying Your Prosperity. He also co-authored, with Kris Krohn,The Conscious Creator: 6 Laws for Manifesting Your Masterpiece Life.   Stephen has been a professional writer for over eight years and an entrepreneur since the age of sixteen. A liberal arts graduate, he is passionate about unleashing human greatness and moving the cause of liberty. When he is not writing or spending time with his family you will find him reading, gardening, or canyoneering in Zion National Park.

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