Fun with Project Learning (58 min)


Having Fun with Project Learning

Having Fun With Project Learning

Studies show that learning is implicit training is externally taught. Project learning is a great way to creates an environment which will support implicit learning. Learn how to create an environment of fun for the whole family where every child learns.



Aneladee Milne, along with Tiffany Earl is the cofounder of LEMI and LEMI philosophy. She is the originator if the practice scholar projects, creator of Shakespeare Conquest, and along with her daughter Tatiana is co creator of the Key of Liberty. She is the author of The Mentor’s Handbook, an in-depth look at the 5 mentor skills and The New Commonwealth School. Along with her husband she authored The Lost Davinci’s. Along with Maurice Harker she wrote The Eternal Warrior Manual. She holds a bachelor of Liberal arts from George Wythe University and Southern Virginia University, a masters of Liberal Arts from George Wuthrich University and a currently enrolled in a master for Clinical Mental Health program. She is the mother is six and grandmother of 10. She has been married to the love of her life, Don Milne for 34 years.


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