Principle-Centered Homeschool (1h 4min)


How to Create a Principle-Centered Homeschool


The Mission Driven Life Book, free download

Not only are there laws and principles that govern our lives, there are principles in every area of life- including our life mission. All of us have a mission to fulfill for the Lord and you can learn and live those laws and principles that govern life mission in Audrey’s new book The Mission Driven Life.

Click here to claim your FREE copy in e-book and audio!



Comments on Principle-Centered Homeschool (1h 4min)

  1. Jenn says:

    What are the 7 principles of homeschooling?! I would love to have that list on my fridge for a solid confidence boost.

    1. Tresta Neil says:

      Here are Audrey’s Principles of Homeschooling:
      1. Know your goals and stay focused on them
      2. Put the relationships first
      3. Focus on character in younger years- revisit it if you didn’t do it earlier
      4. Give them choices
      5. Focus on skills not facts
      6. Educate age-appropriate
      7. Have a support system- community
      8. Work on your own education

      1. Jenn says:

        Thank you! I’m printing it out now.

  2. Tisha Hunt says:

    I am eating this up! Thank you for this presentation. Will there be a handout for this as well?

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