Improving Non-Verbal Communication (48min)


Non-verbal Language

Jeff Baird 


Influence through improving nonverbal communication
Did you know TED talk speakers gets the same approval ratings if the reviewers watch the talk muted or with audio? Our body language makes or breaks our communication and our ability to influence. Preach my Gospel counsels us to watch the nonverbal communication of others to understand their feelings, as well as being aware of what messages we’re sending with our own body language. Up to 93% of our communication is nonverbal. And we tend to believe what we SEE more than the words we hear.

Jeff lives in Utah with his wife and kids. For almost 10 years he’s worked in as a Business Intelligence engineer, assisting organizations measure progress towards goals. He’s a certified body language trainer from helping individuals, groups & companies to increase their nonverbal impact. Additionally he is a certified mentor through, teaching addiction prevention & Self Mastery.

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