Mission Impossible: (38:23 Mins)


Mission Impossible and Other Outrageous Lies

by Leslie Householder | LDS Homeschool Conference 2015 Southern Utah

Mission Impossible and Other Outrageous Lies

You (and your children) were put on this planet with an inborn desire to find and accomplish a unique life’s mission – one that will become your passion, purpose, meaningful contribution to the world, and ultimately, your legacy. The world would have you believe that you are not good enough, smart enough, strong enough, or clever enough to discover and accomplish that mission. It would have you believe that your mission is not just impossible to identify or define, but even more impossible to complete. Not true! Through humor and other surprises, this class will reveal secrets that can give you the advantage, insight, and empowerment you need to get excited about your future and stay on track, as well as the inner peace of mind and confidence that you will need to succeed at whatever you are called upon to do. Once you “get it” yourself, you will more naturally convey these same skills and advantages to your children.

Leslie Householder travels to us from Gilbert, Arizona. She is a homeschooling wife and mother of seven children, as well as the award winning, best-selling author of The Jackrabbit Factor: Why You Can [http://www.jackrabbitfactor.com], Portal to Genius [http://www.portaltogenius.com], and Hidden Treasures: Heaven’s Astonishing Help With Your Money Matters [http://www.hiddentreasuresbook.com]. She received a Mathematics Education degree from Brigham Young University and has since learned to apply many typical and unusual problem-solving skills to the world of motherhood, homeschooling, business, and helping parents and children alike discover and fulfill their life’s mission.

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