Original LDS Education: (50:52 Mins)


Original LDS Education: Something to Emulate

by Jack Monnett | LDS Homeschool Conference 2015

Original LDS Education: Something to Emulate

Jack Monnett has been referred to as the “father of LDS home education.” His doctoral dissertation examined the intentions of early Church leaders in the education of the youth of Zion. His original dissertation has evolved into the book, “Revealed Educational Principles”, which has given parents guidance and direction in the education of their children for decades.

Jack holds degrees in education from Brigham Young University and a Ph.D. in the Historical Foundations of Education from the University of Utah. He has taught in the LDS Church Educational System as well as in public schools. He currently serves as principal of the David O. McKay International Academy. He resides in Spring City, Utah and was recently elected as mayor of the city.



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