Teaching a Love for America


Teaching a Love for America

by Julianne Kimber | LDS Homeschool Conference 2016

Teaching a Love for America to our Children in these Troubled Times
How can we keep our children from being down on America during these troubled times? As parents, we may often complain about the government, taxes, candidates for president, legislators, and the current state of the nation being “near ruin.” Our children pick up on this and may diminish their hopes for a bright future. It is so important to keep our American Heritage alive, and this class will give parents and youth alike some solid ideas on how to stay positive, despite the political upheavals around us. Does America fall? Prophesy says NO. Come and learn how to keep your love for our beloved America alive!

Julianne Kimber, wife of Glenn J. Kimber and daughter of W. Cleon Skousen, has been involved in God-centered education for over 25 years. She and her husband have created a curriculum for home school families that is designed to build testimonies of God, Family, and Country for every age student. Dr. and Mrs. Kimber have written over 100 books and manuals on every core subject, for each age group. This curriculum has been used in thousands of homes as well as for their private schools, called Kimber Academy as well as the Benjamin Franklin Academy, which they founded in the early 1990s. A mother of 8 and grandmother of 31, Mrs. Kimber says, “I wish we had had our curriculum when we were homeschooling OUR children! It works.”



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