The Key to Building Youth, Instead of Teens (50 Mins)


The Key to Building Youth, Instead of Teens

by Nicholeen Peck | LDS Homeschool Conference 2012

Through most of a child’s young years, the mother plays a crucial role in development.  As children get older, they begin to look to their fathers as role models for their lives.  Learn the best strategies to prepare yourself and your children for that journey.  These strategies will inspire you and transform your children into youth, not teenagers.  Come and see why.

Nicholeen Peck is the mother of four and previous foster parent of many difficult and troubled teens.   The Peck family’s success with these difficult children was based upon calmness, the principles of self government, and good communication.  She has been teaching people around the world the principles of Self-Government since 1999.  She recently returned from a Self-Government teaching tour in China. In 2009, Nicholeen and her family were featured in a one hour BBC documentary about parenting.  She has appeared on various news shows and radio programs to discuss effective parenting.   She is a popular public speaker, author of the books, Parenting a House United, Londyn LaRae Says Okay, Timeless Principles of Raising Great Kids, many magazine articles, and a parenting blog called




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