The Writing Accelerator
English teachers can teach you spelling, grammar, and punctuation. But can they teach you how to write like a leader? Can they teach you how to woo hearts and persuade minds? Can they teach you how to change the world with words?
Stephen Palmer, a New York Times bestselling author with over eight years of professional writing experience, can. In one hour, you’ll learn more about transformational writing than you’ll learn in four years of standard English classes, including the following:
-Why great writing is not about words
-Why thinking is far more important than facility with language — and how to become a better thinker
-How to grab and keep attention
-How to convey greater meaning with fewer words
(Parents are encouraged to attend! You will be equipped to know how to teach transformational writing to your youth in a fun and engaging way.)
Stephen Palmer is the author of Manifest Destiny: Choosing a Life of Greatness and Uncommon Sense: A Common Citizen’s Guide to Rebuilding America, the founder of Life Manifestos, a Strongbrook business owner, and a book writer for mission-driven leaders.He co-authored, with Garrett Gunderson, the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Businessweek, and Amazon bestseller Killing Sacred Cows: Overcoming the Financial Myths that are Destroying Your Prosperity. He also co-authored, with Kris Krohn,The Conscious Creator: 6 Laws for Manifesting Your Masterpiece Life. Stephen has been a professional writer for over eight years and an entrepreneur since the age of sixteen. A liberal arts graduate, he is passionate about unleashing human greatness and moving the cause of liberty. When he is not writing or spending time with his family you will find him reading, gardening, or canyoneering in Zion National Park.