What is the Principle Approach?


What is the Principle Approach?

by Tresta Neil | LDS Homeschool Conference 2014

It is a historic method of scriptural reasoning which places doctrines and principles of the gospel at the heart of education. Each subject is predicated upon gospel principles and students are taught to think and reason from principles and leading ideas using The Notebook Method, Word and Character Studies, 7 core Principles, etc.  It has been called “reflective teaching and learning.”  I love this method because it has taught our family how to make our own textbooks and they are great treasures.  This presentation is an overview of the Principle Approach with LDS principles, I call it The Theology Tree.  When you put Christ at the center of all learning everything becomes more memorable and personal.   For a great synopsis on doctrines and principles read the preface in the Eternal Marriage Student Manuel.

Tresta was raised under the New Mexican sunsets and loves Mexican and Navajo food.  She learned about the miracle of the body in nursing school at Weber State and about putting Christ first on her mission to the Netherlands.  She is learning patience while homeschooling her eight children.  She practiced tolerance while staying in and out of the hospital for two years with her 7thchild with liver failure.  She remains hungry for knowledge about symbols, rituals and patterns within the scriptures and the ancient Hebrew and Persian cultures.  She is the recent author of “God Saw that it Was Good,” a simple book on symbols.  If she had to choose only one subject to study she would study the stars.



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