Wilford Woodruff’s Vision of the Founders and its Implications for us Today


Wilford Woodruff's Vision of the Founders and its Implications for us Today

by Von Hansen | LDS Homeschool Conference 2012

Who appeared to Wilford Woodruff in 1877?

Why did they appear at that time?

What implications does that have for us today?

We will explore how finding answers to these questions can help us gain a gospel perspective of learning history through study, and faith and help us discover and fulfill our personal missions today.


Ever since hearing Neal A. Maxwell speak on the 200th anniversary of the US Constitution, a desire to learn about God’s hand in the establishment of our land of liberty has burned in Von’s heart.  This has led him to a BA in History at BYU, graduate studies in Political Economy at George Wythe University, and the creation of his Providential History Series — courses in history focusing on God’s Hand  and our personal missions.  He is married to the lovely, courageous, ambitious, talented, and energetic Amy Hansen whom God raised up to form a perfect compliment to his own talents and abilities (although he has a hard time keeping up with her).  Together they are raising and homeschooling 7 amazing children.



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