Mission Driven Moms


The Mission Driven Life Book, free download


Not only are there laws and principles that govern our lives, there are principles in every area of life- including our life mission. All of us have a mission to fulfill for the Lord and you can learn and live those laws and principles that govern life mission in Audrey’s new book The Mission Driven Life.

Click here to claim your FREE copy in e-book and audio!



The Mission Driven Mom is a MOVEMENT of mothers who know that God has unique purposes for each of our children AND for us! We are mothers who love, teach, support and mentor each other in the 7 Laws of Life Mission and model mission-driven living for our children!

This is a place for women just like you —  a devoted mother looking for a way to better yourself and fulfill your greatest potential while still putting motherhood first!”

Announcing: Mission Driven Mom’s Academy, opens September 1st

Get started on your own mission path today by being mentored through the first 4 Laws of Life Mission in the MDM Academy! With a hard copy, full-color workbook, readings, 30+ video lessons, live online classes and a FB group, you’ll have all the tools you need to succeed! Sign up on September 1st!  See you in class!