The Critical Battle for Self Concept
In this life, the victories we win on the battlefield in our minds are much weightier than any physical skirmishes we may engage in. The most crucial of these mental battles are over the matter of self-concept, or what we believe and feel about ourselves. Whoever prevails in this battle has very little chance of failing in contests to come. The self-concept our youth (and we ourselves) believe and accept forms the limit of how much value we allow ourselves to receive and how high we allow ourselves to rise, or conversely, if we are even worth fighting for at all.
Justin is a thinking man. He really helps you get to the bottom of the problem and to teaches the basic fundamentals that we often glance over. He came to the studio dressed and ready to present. After a little orientation of what to expect and his options he was ready to go.
We recorded his interview questions and the opening of his presentation together and then rearranged the studio for his presentation. He chose to do his presentation standing up with a white board. He had a few notes, but he didn’t need them much. He knew his material. The staff sat in around the lights and listened and took notes. A few time we asked questions for clarification. We were all edified.

Justin is a passionate trainer, mentor and public speaker who eats, drinks and breathes positive, personal transformation. Dedicated to realizing and releasing human potential, he trains individuals and groups how to grab hold of their identity as co-creators of themselves and the world around them. Deeply committed and indebted to the Lord Jesus Christ, he guides all to partner with the Savior in actively building themselves after the pattern traced by Deity. Justin Garn’s message to all: “God’s great Plan of Happiness is a plan of Freedom! And He has designed His children with the unique ability to create Freedom whoever they are, wherever they are, regardless of circumstances. You can bring greater light and goodness into this world! Let’s start today!”
He was born into an LDS military family in Okinawa, Japan and has lived all over the globe. He formed a great love of people and their variety of beliefs and cultures. He has studied Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, and Dari and still attempts to speak English in order to reach God’s children from different walks of life. He has served for 20 years in the U.S. Army and currently enjoys training military personnel in strategies to overcome their challenges and live fuller lives. He lives with his amazingly cute wife and incredible children in Orem, Utah.